SZYMON KARPIERZ – attorney at law, specialising in procedural law, w particular focus on preliminary and enforcement proceedings. He represents Clients in the proceedings before the civil and administrative courts, the Supreme Court as well as the public administration bodies. As part of his practice at the SKUBISZ Law Firm, he handles, inter alia, cases related to infringement of rights to trademarks, industrial designs and utility models. In addition, he has extensive experience in pursuing and fighting claims for acts of unfair competition, as well as in providing legal advice in settling court disputes amicably.
Between 2007 and 2010, he served his full-time judicial apprenticeship culminating in passing the judicial examination. In addition, he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw.
- representing the Client before the Supreme Court, inter alia in a precedent-setting case concerning a claim for the return of unjustly obtained benefits due to the infringement of a trade mark protection right (III CSK 216/16 - LINK). The Supreme Court shared the legal reasoning presented in the cassation appeal of which I was a co-author.
- conducting, on behalf of Polish entrepreneurs, effective negotiations with, inter alia, an international cosmetics concern on the protection of trade marks and parallel imports and equally effective negotiations with a global IT concern on the protection of fair competition (recommendation).
- conducting, on behalf of Polish parallel importers, precedent-setting litigation relating to parallel imports of pharmaceuticals.
- representing Clients before customs authorities and administrative courts in cases concerning the application by Polish customs authorities of Regulation (EU) No 608/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 June 2013 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights by customs authorities.
- representing Clients before common courts and the Supreme Court in disputes over infringement of trademark protection rights, infringement of industrial design registration rights and patents.
- representing Clients before common courts and the Supreme Court in cases involving various acts of unfair competition (e.g. misleading designation of goods or services, infringement of business secrets, inducement to terminate or non-performance of a contract, imitation of products, dissemination of false information, hindering access to the market, "shelf", fees, so-called unnamed acts of unfair competition, etc.).
- representing Clients in criminal cases involving, inter alia, trademark counterfeiting (Article 305 of the Industrial Property Law).
- representing and advising Clients from various sectors, including: cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, media and telecommunications, construction, livestock, food and beverage (including sweets, water, dietary supplements and herbs, alcohol, vegetable fats, poultry meat, meat products), toy, car spare parts distribution, fuel, IT, retail and wholesale trade
Roszczenie o wydanie bezpodstawnie uzyskanych korzyści w prawie znaków towarowych (skutki wyroku SN w sprawie „milksełko”) w świetle regulacji krajowych i unijnych
w: Wynalazczość i ochrona własności intelektualnej. Aspekty materialnoprawne i proceduralne własności przemysłowej oraz zarządzanie prawami wyłacznymi, (red.) Alicja Adamczak, Zeszyt 41.
Ochrona danych osobowych w informatyce
Wiedza i Praktyka, 2014 (współautor)
Prawa autorskie i licencje w IT
Wiedza i Praktyka, 2014 (współautor)
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