Combating unfair competition

Lawyers of Skubisz & Partners Law Firm have extensive experience in advising and representing Clients in cases of acts of unfair competition.

  • We have represented our Clients or advised them on matters currently considered as milestones in the development of Polish law on combating unfair competition.

  • Cases in this area, which we have dealt with in our practice to date, have concerned, among others, acts consisting in misleading labelling of products, unfair advertising, as well as unnamed acts of unfair competition, such as disrupting the functioning of a business.

  • In conducting these cases, we have advised and represented Clients, which are both global producers of everyday goods, as well as innovative Polish entrepreneurs interested in protecting the created products.

  • In this area our lawyers combine the practice of conducting disputes concerning acts of unfair competition with scientific activity. Their names can be found among the authors of leading publications on combating unfair competition, including the first Polish Commentary to the current legislation, as well as among speakers at scientific and industry conferences. Our scientific involvement enables us to keep track of the development of the law on combating unfair competition in other countries, and thus to adapt the solutions adopted there to Polish law.

Scope of services


Protection of Clients' interests

Assessment of planned or undertaken actions to protect the interests of Clients against acts of unfair competition and to ensure compliance of their actions with the law



We prepare and give opinions on draft agreements and regulations



We provide opinions on packaging, labeling and marketing message and advertising designs


Legal advice and opinions

We provide advice and draw up specialist legal opinions in the area of unfair competition law



We represent our Clients in disputes concerning the fight against unfair competition, both at the pre-litigation stage and at every stage of court proceedings


We have worked inter alia on the following cases in which a considerable legal expertise was required:

Combating unfair competition news