Parallel import

Skubisz Law Firm Lawyers specialize in legal issues regarding parallel import regulations

  • For many years we have been advising our Clients in order to work out optimal solutions , with which they can legally conduct parallel import businesses. Our lawyers also provide their knowledge and experience to entrepreneurs interested in protecting their intellectual property rights against illegal activities in the area of parallel tradeo.

  • Lawyers of Skubisz & Partners Law Firm participated as attorneys practically in all precedent disputes before Polish courts concerning parallel import of repackaged medicinal products. The decisions issued in these proceedings contributed to the national jurisprudential practice and constituted an important step towards ensuring the compatibility of Polish law and its application with the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice.

  • Therefore, we have extensive experience in conducting court disputes concerning infringement of intellectual property rights in parallel trade. Moreover, we represent our Clients in administrative court proceedings covering regulatory issues of parallel import. In the latter field we have represented our Clients both before Polish courts and before the EU Court of Justice.

Scope of services


Action assessment

We evaluate planned or undertaken actions to develop solutions to increase legal security of the customers



We prepare and give opinions on draft agreements and terms of delivery of goods


Legal opinions

Sporządzamy specjalistyczne opinie prawne w sprawach wymagających stosowania prawa UE


Customer representation

We represent our Clients in disputes concerning infringement of intellectual property in parallel trade, both at the pre-judicial stage, as well as at every stage of court proceedings; in administrative court cases concerning regulation of parallel import of medicinal products, at every stage of proceedings; in proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union in cases concerning compliance of national regulation of parallel import of medicinal products with EU law..


We have worked inter alia on the following cases in which a considerable legal expertise was required:

Parallel import news