DR TOMASZ DRAB- doctor of law, attorney at law as well as the assistant in the Department of European Union Law of UMSC.
For his master’s thesis titled “Podobieństwo oznaczeń w ramach oceny niebezpieczeństwa wprowadzenia w błąd w orzecznictwie Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej” he received the award from the Minister of Science and Higher Education in the 15th edition of the competition, organized by the Polish Patent Office, for the best work on intellectual property.
Professionally, he is interested in European Union law, the law of combating unfair competition and industrial property law, with particular emphasis on trade mark law.
During his studies, he was extensively involved in organizational and scientific activities, including serving as President of the Student Scientific Association of the University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University.
Two-time scholarship holder of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding scientific achievements, scholarship holder of the Mayor of the City of Lublin, multiple scholarship holder of the Rector of UMCS for the best students and the Student Scholarship of the Marshal of Lublin Voivodeship.
- participation in a team conducting opposition proceedings and proceedings for invalidation of protective rights for national and EU trade marks, on behalf of the largest discount store chain in Poland
- participation in opposition proceedings and proceedings for invalidation of protective rights for national and EU trade marks
- conducting, on behalf of the largest chain of discount stores in Poland, opposition proceedings and proceedings for invalidity of protective rights to national and EU trade marks
- conducting negotiations resulting in the conclusion of settlements in cases involving infringement of protective rights for national and EU trade marks
- participation in cases involving unfair competition law, copyright law and industrial design law
- work in teams dealing with parallel import and pharmaceutical market issues
- representation before the Polish Patent Office and common courts in matters concerning industrial property law, copyright law and unfair competition law
Badanie identyczności i podobieństwa towarów lub usług w ramach niebezpieczeństwa wprowadzenia w błąd w orzecznictwie Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej
w: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Prace z Prawa Własności Intelektualnej, 2019, zeszyt 145
Niezależna pozycja odróżniająca zajmowana przez wcześniejszy znak towarowy w późniejszym złożonym znaku towarowym
w: Znaki towarowe i ich ochrona, red. R. Skubisz, Warszawa 2019
Privatization of Public Law. Selected Issues
w: Tendencje rozwojowe prawa administracyjnego, red. E. Kruk, G. Lubeńczuk, T. Drab, Lublin 2017
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