New technologies and domains

Skubisz & Partners supports its Clients in matters concerning the law of new technologies and Internet domains.

  • New technologies are a dynamically developing branch of the economy, within which numerous specializations have been created. A wide range of services offered requires their adjustment to the current legal order. Although legal regulations related to the IT industry are being standardized, finding oneself in the maze of regulations requires additional, specialized knowledge.

  • Lawyers of the Skubisz & Partners Law Firm have extensive experience in providing legal services in the field of new technologies (IT) and Internet domains. We have assisted in disputes concerning computer software, conducted negotiations with entities from the IT industry, created agreements and service regulations, conducted research and prepared legal opinions on the protection of Internet domain names.

  • Skubisz & Partners provides comprehensive legal services both to creators of the IT industry (programmers, web developers, computer graphic designers, copywriters, journalists, owners of Internet portals and Internet shops, YouTubers, streamers), entities providing services (marketing agencies, programming offices, host providers, server rooms, owners of Internet services and websites), as well as people who want to conclude agreements with the entities mentioned above.

Scope of services


Software and mobile applications protection

We advise in the appropriate selection of licenses or in the preparation of agreements and licenses regarding computer programs. We help to determine the extent to which an application is protected by copyright, which agreements should be kept in mind and how to safely market the computer program.


Support for developers websites

Skubisz & Partners helps to protect both the prepared source code and the visual layer of the website. We advise at the stage of preparation and consulting of concluded agreements. We help in cases of non-performance and improper performance of agreements, acts of unfair competition, infringements of intellectual property (intellectual property theft).


Legal protection of SaaS

We support creators of SaaS by preparing and analysing existing agreements, service regulations and SLA. We verify whether it is only about the service or about the dedicated application service as well.


Internet portals & e-commerce

We support people running web portals and online shops. We offer constant legal service and supervision over the proper implementation of legal regulations. We create or adjust the current regulations of websites or e-commerce, we indicate what should be the proper e-marketing, in accordance with e-marketing law. We support the implementation of GDPR.


Legal support for game creators

Skubisz & Partners advises how to legally protect a computer game. We prepare agreements for programmers, graphic designers, sound engineers, musicians or screenwriters. We analyse and advise when to sign a contract with distribution networks and publishers.


Service for Youtubers and Streamers

Skubisz & Partners offers assistance in choosing the appropriate way of protection of the interests of Youtubers, as well as comprehensive assistance to agencies that take care of creators in the world of electronic media. We can conduct a study on how to legally protect a brand, provide advice or train the charges of the agencies so that they can find themselves in the maze of legal regulations.


Legal protection of databases

For entities creating databases (including those offering Big Data services), we offer the possibility of analysing how the database can be protected (and in particular whether it can be classified as a database within the meaning of the Database Act). We support the creation of sales or licensing agreements. We verify compliance with the GDPR.


Legal services for servers room and hosting providers

Skubisz & Partners offers legal assistance for entities providing hosting services, renting server room and space for servers and renting dedicated servers, network devices, firewalls and disk arrays. We assist in the implementation of GDPR.


Legal help regarding streaming and VOD

We advise on how the law can protect a brand, a website and an application created to broadcast a TV show on the Internet. We prepare and analyse agreements with content providers for VOD services, as well as with authors of audiovisual materials. We point out possible legal solutions for non-standard problems


IT outsourcing assistance

Due to high costs of maintaining one’s own IT departments, IT outsourcing has become a popular service. For this reason, the Skubisz & Partners offers assistance in the preparation of outsourcing agreements, analysing agreements proposed by contractors and conducting negotiations.


Legal help for marketing services

We support the creative industry by preparing and analysing agreements for the execution and maintenance of promotional campaigns, acquisition of advertising space or airtime. We advise on the use of intangible assets and the image of third parties in advertising and marketing actions. We indicate whether there are restrictions in the possibility of advertising certain products or services. We assist in contacts with printing houses, graphic designers and creative agencies. We help to combat unfair competition.


Internet domains

Skubisz & Partners provides professional legal services in the field of:

  • registry capacity examinations and registration process of Internet domain names;
  • internet monitoring in order to identify trade mark infringements;
  • preparation of legal opinions and agreements concerning Internet domain names;
  • representation in court proceedings in cases of Internet infringement.


We have worked inter alia on the following cases in which a considerable legal expertise was required: