Lawyers of Skubisz & Partners Law Firm have many years of experience related to advising and representing Clients in matters concerning the pharmaceutical market. Scope of services We provide advice and draw up specialist legal opinions concerning the assessment of compliance of planned or undertaken activities with the provisions of pharmaceutical law and concerning the protection of intellectual property with respect to pharmaceutical products, medical devices and dietary supplements. We provide our opinions on the design of marketing communications and advertisements concerning medicinal products and pharmacies' activities. We represent our Clients in disputes concerning the marketing and advertising of pharmaceutical products, medical devices and dietary supplements, both at the pre-trial stage and at every stage of court proceedings. We also represent Clients in proceedings before registration authorities for pharmaceutical products and medical devices (Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products) and pharmaceutical market control and supervision authorities (Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector). Coordinator Experience We have worked inter alia on the following cases in which a considerable legal expertise was required: Pharmaceutical market newsPharmaceutical market
Legal opinions