EWA BIEŻYCA – lawyer, in the law firm's team since 2004, at the beginning as assistant to Professor Skubisz, currently working as office manager.

She deals with organisational and financial matters. She coordinates correspondence with Clients at the law firm in Lublin. She plans, supervises and controls all work related to personnel management in the Law Firm.

She has very good organisational and interpersonal skills. Without her, it would be difficult to grasp the practical aspects of the Law Firm's operations. Precise and orderly, resulting in perfect order in organisational and financial matters. She continuously develops her competence by implementing modern solutions and strategies to facilitate the functioning of the Law Firm.

Her interests in industrial property law revolve around issues concerning   the law of geographical indications. She is the author of publications in this area. Participant of numerous trainings and symposia in the field of industrial property law.

She graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.

Oznaczenie geograficzne jako znak towarowy w świetle orzecznictwa sądów administracyjnych (współautor M. Trzebiatowski)

w: Glosa 2/2010.

Zawieszenie postępowania w trybie art. 97§1 pkt 4 kpa ze względu na inne postępowanie prowadzone przez ten sam organ (na tle spraw z zakresu prawa własności przemysłowej), współautor M. Trzebiatowski,

w: Monitor Prawniczy 13/2009.