§ 1
- These Regulations constitute the performance of the obligation referred to in the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2013, item 1422, as amended) and the Telecommunications Law (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2014, item 243, as amended).
- The Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions for the use of the Site.
- The entity operating the Site is Skubisz and Partners Kancelaria Radców Prawnych with its registered office in Lublin, ul. Piastowska 31.
§ 2
Terms used in these Terms and Conditions, unless otherwise expressly stated in the Terms and Conditions, shall have the following meanings:
- Term of Service – these rules and regulations, available at www.skubisz.pl.
- Law Firm – Skubisz i Partnerzy Kancelaria Radców Prawnych with its seats in Lublin, Piastowskiej 31 St.
- Site – website available at www.skubisz.pl,
- User – any person (whether a natural person, a legal person or an unincorporated entity) who uses the Site,
§ 3
- The Site operates under the terms and conditions described in these Terms of Service.
- The use of the Site is free of charge, voluntary and allowed for all Users using the Internet.
- Use of the Site by the User implies acceptance of the provisions of these Terms of Service, including acceptance of the use of cookies by the Site. By using the Site in any way, the User declares and confirms that he/she has read the content of these Terms and Conditions, accepts its provisions and undertakes to comply with them.
- In the case of web browsers that have not been updated for a long time (versions not supported by manufacturers), some content may not be displayed correctly, and some Site options may not function correctly.
§ 4
- Each User is obliged to use the Site in a manner that complies with these Terms of Service, the law and good morals.
- In particular, it is forbidden to:
- providing false, inaccurate or outdated information or personal data as part of your use of the Site, including via the contact form and other online services offered on the Site,
- infringe in any way the personal rights, including the personal rights of those creating the content of the website, as well as those of third parties,
- interfering with the operation of the Site, including altering the Site's code, using or posting viruses, worms, trojans, unauthorised extensions or other mechanisms that may adversely affect the operation of the Site or the Firm's or Users' software or devices,
- copying, reproduction of texts and elements from the Site in whole or in part without prior written consent.
§ 5
- In order to use the Site, it is necessary to have an Internet-enabled device with a web browser.
- The Website uses cookies, which are small text files stored on the User's terminal equipment (computer, phone, etc.). Cookies are used to ensure the proper functioning of the Site, to speed up the Site (e.g. by remembering previously opened texts and loading them more quickly) and for statistical purposes, e.g. to study the popularity of individual tabs and services.
- The user can prevent cookies from being stored on their device by configuring their web browser accordingly. The user may also delete stored cookies from the memory of his/her device. However, the law firm reserves the possibility that the website may not function properly if cookies and java script are blocked.
§ 6
- Any User using the Website, has the possibility to send a message to the Law Firm via the contact form.
- Proper submission requires your name, email address, telephone number and a brief description of the facts of the case and the problem.
- The Law Firm accepts no responsibility for sending false, incomplete or incorrect information.
- By sending a message via the form, you agree to the provisions of the terms and conditions and consent to the sending of a solution proposal, including a price offer.
§ 7
Issues relating to the processing of personal data are discussed in the Privacy Policy.
§ 8
- If there are errors or concerns about the operation of the Site, the User has the right to send information to biuro@skubisz.pl.
- Objections and complaints should contain a detailed description of the problem occurring and the User's contact details to enable a response to the User's complaint. If necessary, the Law Firm will ask for additional information.
- The objection or complaint will be answered within 30 working days of receipt of the complete information.
§ 9
- For technical reasons beyond the control of the Firm, malfunctions or failures may occur that prevent or impede the use of the Site.
- The law firm shall not be held liable for any malfunctioning or an inaccessibility of the Site caused by the above-mentioned causes, or by any other shoulders beyond the control of the law firm.
- Any proprietary names and logos of companies appearing in materials provided by the Site have been used for identification purposes only.
§ 10
- Regulations are subject to change.
- A change to the content of the Terms of Service shall be effective from the time the change is posted on the Site.
- Matters not covered by these Terms of Service shall be governed by Polish law and any disputes shall be settled by the competent Polish courts.
- The current Terms of Service are always available on the Site.
The regulations have been updated: 18.11.2019.