Trade and commercial agreements

Skubisz & Partners Law Firm supports its Clients in matters concerning preparation and analysis of commercial and trade agreements

  • The basis for the daily functioning of entrepreneurs are agreements, both bilateral and unilaterally professional. A properly prepared agreement stabilizes legal relations in which the entrepreneur remains. It eliminates the spectrum of potential disputes in the future.

  • SKUBISZ Law Firm Lawyers has been advising clients in the area of commercial agreements law for years. The scope of specialization includes issues related to named agreements (commission, construction agreements, supply agreements, transport agreements), as well as unnamed agreements (know-how, consulting, implementation, corporate agreements).

  • Our Lawyers provide legal assistance in the area of founding agreements of commercial companies andcorporate documents of associations, cooperatives, and foundations

Scope of services


Agreement drafting

We prepare named and unnamed agreement forms fitted to the needs and expectations of our Clients. In addition to the individual types of agreements, we prepare templates for entrepreneurs, which are the basis for their functioning (e.g. regulations of intellectual property rights, regulations of providing services to consumers).



The Law Firm's lawyers have experience in auditing the performance of agreements in the entrepreneurship (control of employment agreements, agreements for specific tasks and orders). On the basis of the results of the audit, we propose model solutions that will improve the process of contract execution and increase legal security of an entrepreneur.



We offer legal representation in disputes concerning the conclusion and performance of agreements both before domestic and foreign courts and administrative bodies. Lawyers of our Law Firm have experience in conducting mediation in matters related to commercial agreements.



We provide training in: ways of concluding agreements, drafting agreements in professional trade, founding agreements of companies, liability for damages in professional trade, additional contractual reservations, agreements in the field of e-commerce, research and development agreements and implementations.


We have worked inter alia on the following cases in which a considerable legal expertise was required: